Yellow Teeth|Tooth Discoloration|Why Do Teeth Turn Yellow


You don't want yellow teeth because?

You need to have good smile in order for people to notice you.Well that nice and charming grin is brought down in most of the cases by your yellow teeth.Yellow teeth not only discourages your smile but it reduces your confidence in interacting with others.So, you need to be very careful in preventing your teeth from turning yellowish.

Tooth Discoloration or Yellow teeth causes

Natural aging of teeth causes discoloration of teeth:

Enamel is the whitish coating over teeth.Beneath this enamel,there is another layer called "Dentin",which is usually yellow in color.So obviously, when the outermost coating is removed
what we see is dentin layer.The depletion of the enamel depends on the age of your teeth,this is
why we find most of the older people teeth turned yellow.
Apart from the natural process, there are other causes for teeth discoloration.Most of them constitute
the food we take.Here is a list of the major foods that causes yellow teeth.

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Beverages are the major cause for the yellow teeth or teeth discoloration:

Major causes for yellow teeth are beverages like tea, soft drinks, wine etc.,Doesn't matter whatever be the color of the beverage it surely has its effect in turning your teeth colorful.White wine can do more damage than red wine since it is more acidic than red wine.Avoiding these beverages in your daily diet not only reduces your teeth from coloring but also helps you in being healthy at all time.

Highly pigmented berries also cause teeth discoloration:

There are a lot of medical advantages from berries like they act as cancer perventing agents but they also play their part in discoloring our teeth.Almost all types of berries have their negative effect on our teeth.Even if you take berries, don't allow to stay on your teeth for longer duration.

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Fruit Juices:

While not exactly on a standard with cola or peculiarly shaded games drinks, business natural product squeezes are entirely more acidic than a great many people acknowledge and especially the splendidly hued ones are an issue on the off chance that you need to keep your teeth white.
Naturally made squeezes aren't prepared similarly so aren't as quite a bit of an issue corrosive shrewd, however regardless you don't generally need them lingering on your teeth for quite a while.

Sweets and Candies may not be the major cause but they cause teeth discoloration:

Hard confections and well shaded sweets that you take are a major causes for teeth discoloring because of their high sugar content, as well as the time that they stay on your teeth.
The more time it is the more harm it can do to your teeth's enamel.

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